What to Expect:
This collaboration between Equate Scotland and Edinburgh Napier University’s School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment aims is an opportunity to learn from and peer mentor each other.
We are aware of various student networks in universities and colleges, which aim to bring together underrepresented students in stem (such as women studying computing), in order to counteract gender imbalance and isolation and build confidence and networks. For example, Edinburgh Napier University’s Napier STEM Society and Equate Scotland’s Student Network celebrate people in STEM who are women or part of a gender minority and promote equality.
However, networks and events are difficult to sustain in today’s climate – especially with many increased challenges for students to meet on campus, due to travel and work commitments. This is an opportunity to share ideas to meet these challenges and also create networks for joint events.
At this event we will:
- Celebrate the people and groups who are working to support underrepresented students in STEM;
- Learn from each other on how we can take effective action for gender equality;
- Bring students, staff, and other changemakers together to collaborate on changing the STEM ecosystem.
The event will include a mixture of 2 minute lightning talks and discussion, plus tea, coffee, cakes etc.
Who is it for:
This event is for staff, students, change makers from any higher education organisation.
How to take part:
Please register your free place using this EvenBrite Link.
15:00 to 17:00 Wednesday 9 October 2024
This event is hosted at at Edinburgh Napier University’s Merchiston Campus (Room E14)
Find out more about Equate and Edinburgh Napier University SCEBE