Welcome to the Ada Scotland Festival

Building gender balance in computer science

The Ada Scotland Festival is back for the fifth consecutive year, running from 1 to 11 October 2024. Our mission remains to champion gender balance in tech and computing, providing inspiration for our young people and to build a stronger, fairer, more diverse work force of the future. 

Two girls with phones

Last year the Festival ran from the 2 to 13 October engaging over 4000 participants from schools, higher and further education, job changers and industry. This was followed up with a one-day festival in Inverness in February to extend the reach of our in-person activities. 

Planning for 2024 is well underway with our diverse and brilliant partner community to deliver a range of events and activities both online and in-person. From primary school pupil to industry leader – there is something for you. Educators, learners of all ages, parents/carers, career starters and changers, decision makers: sign up to our mailing list or follow us on social to stay up to date with programme developments. 

If you are interested in being involved in Ada Scotland as a participant, partner or to help us shape what future festivals should look like please contact us at hello@ada.scot

The Festival would not exist without our growing network of passionate partners and sponsors – a huge thank you for your continued support. 

And a special thank you to the festival headline sponsor: 


Can’t wait until October? Check out our partner-built resources here: https://ada.scot/resources/