Education Scotland is a Scottish Government executive agency charged with supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education and thereby securing the delivery of better learning experiences and outcomes for Scottish learners of all ages.
Our status as an executive agency means that we operate independently and impartially, whilst remaining directly accountable to Scottish Government ministers for the standards of our work.
The national Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland was published in 2016 after extensive consultation with learners, parents/carers and practitioners. Education Scotland is fully committed to the aims of the strategy, ensuring that the experience of education equips learners to participate as active citizens in a 21st century digital society. signposts practitioners to the evidence, research and practice that is key to the development of successful digital approaches.
The Glow platform provides learners and educators with access to the digital technologies, tools and services that support the delivery of a contemporary learning experience. Glow Connect is the place to get information, help and support for Glow. You can find out more about what Glow is, its educational benefits and keep up to date with the latest developments. Collaboration and networking are important elements in the design of teaching strategies.