Ada Lovelace is well known for her work on Babbages Analytical Engine and is considered the first computer programmer. Alongside Ada there are a number of women who have been pioneers within STEM.
Explore the achievements of women in STEM throughout history and design an Augmented reality app to showcase these in an engaging way.
You should think about the type of exhibits that would be part of this app, and how you think people would interact with these exhibits, and what people will learn by taking part.
Submissions can be in the form of a poster or presentation slides discussing the idea. It would also be great to see some visual mock-ups of the some of the apps pages!
To enter this competition, you must be a secondary student in the UK.
To submit have your teacher email your entries to
EXTENDED Closing date for entry is the 10 NOVEMBER 2022
Submissions will then be judged, and winners announced shortly after!
There will be a prize of Amazon vouchers for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.