How technology can provide business opportunities. A Women Entrepreneurship Week event

This in-person event brings together Dr Carla Brown, Game Doctor Ltd, Prof Norin Arshed, University of Dundee and Gillian Fleming, Mint Ventures in a panel session followed by discussion and networking.

17:30 Wednesday 19 October 2022
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Barclays presents: Am I too technical to be promoted?

Barclays Women in Technology network are delighted to host a panel event to discuss the careers of senior female technologists. Our panel members are all senior colleagues in the business and will include roles such as software developers and product owners, amongst others.

11:00 Tuesday 25 October 2022
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dressCode’s Hopper Awards

The aim of this award is to provide a specific opportunity for female pupils to achieve success in Computing Science in their school. This award is supported by JPMorgan, we hope that this also raises awareness to parents and guardians that Computing Science is an important subject. There is one FREE award available for every secondary school in Scotland. The name of our award is “The Hopper Award for Excellence in Computing Science” named in honour of Grace Hopper, a pioneer of computer programming. Find out more and apply for your Award Continue reading dressCode’s Hopper Awards

Education Scotland

Education Scotland is a Scottish Government executive agency charged with supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education and thereby securing the delivery of better learning experiences and outcomes for Scottish learners of all ages. Our status as an executive agency means that we operate independently and impartially, whilst remaining directly accountable to Scottish Government ministers for the standards of our work. The national Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland was published in 2016 after extensive consultation with learners, parents/carers and practitioners. Education Scotland is fully committed to the aims of the strategy, ensuring that the experience of education equips learners to … Continue reading Education Scotland

Scottish AI Alliance

The Scottish AI Alliance is a partnership between The Data Lab and the Scottish Government and is led by a Minister-appointed Chair and the Scottish Government’s Chief Data Officer. The Scottish AI Alliance is tasked with the delivery of the actions outlined in Scotland’s AI Strategy in an open, transparent and collaborative way. The group provides a focus for dialogue, collaboration and, above all, action on all things AI in Scotland. Find out more Continue reading Scottish AI Alliance