My name is Becky Patel and I am Head of Education and Learning for a charity called Tech She Can. Tech She Can is on a mission for women to be equal members in creating and developing the technology that shapes our world.
I have over 10 years teaching experience at both a primary and secondary school level. I’ve had the pleasure of working with the Tech She Can team since 2019 and I lead on the creation and delivery of our Tech We Can educational resources which inspire more children (especially girls) to consider a future career in technology.
I’m extremely proud of how far the Tech We Can resources we offer to teachers, parents and students has grown over the past few years. I’m passionate about ensuring all children and young people broaden their knowledge of the opportunities available to them in technology careers. Children can’t aspire to be what they don’t know exists, and this is where Tech We Can plays such an important role.
If you would like to see Tech We Can in action then please join us for an upcoming LIVE lesson. You can register for free here: Assemblies & Lessons – TechSheCan
What was your first career aspiration as a child?
As a young child I dreamt of becoming a marine biologist. I loved to swim and I was fascinated by the underwater environment and animals. Learning that this role would require lots of hours on a boat swiftly changed my mind because I very easily get sea sickness. I am however a qualified scuba diver so I still get to explore the oceans on my holidays.
What would you tell your teenage self?
You don’t have to fit in any box. It’s ok to challenge stereotypes in all parts of your life and just be your authentic self. In the long run, this will make you much happier than trying to pretend to like or be something which you are not.
Do you have a favourite place in the world?
Disney World in Florida. I was very lucky, I managed to visit a few times as a child and last year I went back on a family holiday with my own son, daughter, niece and nephew. I love that Disney allows adults to have as much fun too. I’m a big kid really and Disney feels like a very inclusive and welcoming place to just be yourself and have fun. The yummy food, drinks, sunshine, rides and characters help too!
What super power would you like to have?
If I could have any super power I would like the power of healing people.
What attracted you to a career in computing / tech?
Helping others understand what a career in tech actually looks like and how broad they are. I wanted to raise the aspirations of the students I was teaching and now I get to do this for tens of thousands of children across the UK through our LIVE assemblies and lessons. For example, in February, 40,000 students joined us for a live lesson all about demystifying Gen AI and the different careers they could pursue in the future designing and working with this technology.
What makes you happy?
Spending quality time with my children on day trips, at home playing or watching them do the things they enjoy most.
What has been the biggest challenge in your life?
Balancing my career aspirations with being a parent. It’s hard to feel like you are doing really well at both at the same time.
What is your spirit animal?
A dolphin – having fun in the water all day every day sounds amazing to me.