dressCode’s Secondary Cyber Security Challenge

Team Cyber Treasure Hunt Challenge!

Welcome to the Cyber Team Challenge.

This is the ultimate team task! We need a team of hackers to complete the Cyber Treasure Hunt by unlocking each of the four boxes.

Click here to begin!

Good luck!



Use the clues and this hacker tool website to help you solve the ciphers. You can change the type of cipher by clicking on the yellow arrow. The majority of the ciphers can be found using the hacker tool, but not all. We managed to gain some intel that might help:

Hacker 1:

Emoji challenge isn’t on the hacker tool but can you can read what the clue says and then add the word cipher after it. We’ve heard you will find the right tool. Good luck.

Hacker 2:

Emoji challenge isn’t on the hacker tool hmmm?

Number challenge isn’t on the hacker tool but clue reads, letter number? Can you find the right cipher?

Hacker 3:

Navigation challenge isn’t on the hacker tool but we’ve managed to decrypt their clue it reads, “key word is compass” Is there a key word cipher, the answer is looking for a song name…

Number challenge is on the hacker tool but which one should you use? Can you figure it out if you Google the clue?

Hacker 4:

Letter challenge the clue reads hex numbers? Is there a cipher that helps with this?
