The 30% Club aims to develop a diverse pool of talent for all businesses through the efforts of its Chair and CEO members who are committed to better gender balance at senior levels and throughout their organisations. Business leadership is key to our mission, taking the issue beyond a specialist diversity effort and integrating it into enterprise-wide strategy development.
The campaign maintains an overarching “top of the house” focus and looks to maintain a spotlight on the most senior segments of organisations, with an implicit understanding that companies will necessarily have to work on their pipelines to drive sustainable, long-term progress at the senior levels which the campaign looks to influence.
The 30% Technology group focuses on 4 main programs:
- STEM: offering support for girls aged 6-16 through mentoring, programs and sponsorships
- Women to the Board Room: A program to help prepare female execs into the board room
- Female Founders: A number of programs to drive more women to starting their own businesses
- Keeping women in: This is a series of mentoring and programs designed to encourage women to remain in technology and and welcome them back if they leave for personal reasons such as to have a family.