What we’re about
Entrepreneurship and enterprise are widely thought to be a major driver for economic growth, job creation and wider community development – three things that are essential for Scotland to flourish as a nation.
Young people need to be prepared for a world that is changing rapidly. Many of the jobs they will do when they leave school do not yet exist and they will probably have several jobs during their lifetime. They need to have the skills and attitudes to cope with an unpredictable future, to be able to deal with setbacks and disappointments in a positive way, and to continue to learn for the rest of their lives. This is one of the key reasons why Scotland’s Enterprising Schools was established.
Since our launch in 2015, we have developed a strategic vision to lead and support the drive to build capacity among teaching practitioners to develop their learning, knowledge, skills and practice, enabling them to use enterprise education as a valuable route for enhanced learning and working.
Based on the values of mutual professional trust and honesty, we are working to challenge and support the professional capital of all teachers through the development and delivery of challenging and practical learning opportunities and mentoring support across all 32 of Scotland’s local authorities.
What we do
At our heart, we are an online resource where practitioners can access support and ideas to help them in embedding enterprise into the curriculum. We do, however, also provide professional learning twilight sessions, authority-wide conferences and personal mentoring. Through these services, we encourage and support debate and reflections on the success and challenges of teaching and learning approaches to enterprise education.
Our resources are available free here: https://enterprisingschools.scot/
One resource in particular, the Digital Animation Challenge workbook, was designed in collaboration with Ang Porte of Mora Consulting after a pilot of a similar course was conducted with female secondary students in Glasgow. The focus is on combining enterprise with IT skills and also addresses some careers available in the industry.